AVÐÇÇò collaborates with federal, provincial/territorial, regional and other stakeholders to identify and address long-term care (LTC) information needs and priorities. We support the development, reporting and use of timely and comparable data related to this topic.
LTC encompasses a range of health and personal care services provided to individuals, primarily seniors, with complex support needs living in designated LTC homes. These are also known as nursing homes, personal care homes, residential care facilities, lodges, assisted living facilities and supportive housing.
LTC homes offer different levels of care and may be free-standing or co-located with other types of care or hospitals. AVÐÇÇò’s definition of LTC includes hospital-based continuing care, which provides ongoing professional services to individuals with complex health needs who may not be ready for discharge from hospital but who no longer need acute care services. This is also known as extended care, chronic care or complex continuing care.