Summary statistics on organ transplants, wait-lists and donors

June 6, 2024 — Despite increasing awareness of the importance of organ donation, the need for life-saving organ transplants in Canada remains high. The Canadian Organ Replacement Register (CORR) summary statistics provide a snapshot of organ transplants, wait-lists and donors in Canada in 2023, using aggregate-level data from Canada’s 12 organ donation organizations.

Use the 2023 summary statistics in the Featured material section to examine more detailed organ transplant, wait-list and donor data, and download the infographic for a visual synopsis of organ transplant procedures and wait-lists.

Key findings

  • A total of 3,428 organ transplants were performed in Canada in 2023; 83% of transplants used deceased donor organs and 17% used living donor organs.
    • Of the organs from living donors, 54% were from related donors while 46% were from unrelated donors. 
    • Of the total transplants, 59% were kidney, 19% liver, 13% lung, 5% heart, 2% pancreas and 2% combination transplants. 
    • 4% of all transplants that occurred in 2023 used organs donated following medical assistance in dying (MAID).
  • Of the 952 deceased donors in 2023, 67% donated following neurological determination of death, 27% donated following death determination by circulatory criteria (non-MAID) and 6% donated following MAID.
  • As of December 31, 2023, a total of 3,427 Canadians were on wait-lists to receive a transplant; 60% were active on wait-lists and 40% were on hold for a short period of time. 
  • In 2023, a total of 681 Canadians were removed from the organ transplant wait-lists; of these, 31% had died while waiting. 

Featured material

2023 summary statistics

Summary statistics on organ transplants, wait-lists and donors, including the number of patients who died while waiting for a vital organ transplant.

2023 summary statistics (XLSX)


A visual representation of the latest summary statistics for heart, kidney, liver, lung and pancreas transplantation.

View infographic

Contributing organ donation organizations

  • Organ Procurement and Exchange of Newfoundland and Labrador (OPEN) — Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Multi-Organ Transplant Program — Nova Scotia 
  • Legacy of Life and Critical Care Organ Donation — Nova Scotia
  • New Brunswick Organ and Tissue Program — New Brunswick
  • Transplant Québec — Quebec
  • Ontario Health (Trillium Gift of Life Network) — Ontario
  • Transplant Manitoba — Gift of Life Program — Manitoba
  • The Saskatchewan Transplant Program — Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
  • The Saskatchewan Health Authority Donation Program — Saskatoon and Regina, Saskatchewan
  • Southern Alberta Organ and Tissue Donation Program (SAOTDP) — Calgary, Alberta
  • Human Organ Procurement and Exchange (HOPE) Program — Edmonton, Alberta
  • BC Transplant — British Columbia

How to cite:

Canadian Institute for Health Information. Summary statistics on organ transplants, wait-lists and donors. Accessed October 12, 2024.

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