Michael Hillmer

Michael Hillmer - Assistant Deputy Minister Digital and Analytics Strategy Division
Assistant Deputy Minister Digital and Analytics Strategy Division
Ministry of Health/Ministry of Long-Term Care


Michael Hillmer is the assistant deputy minister of Digital and Analytics Strategy in the Ministry of Health/Ministry of Long-Term Care. In this role, along with the health data and health analytics portfolios, he also leads the Digital Health branch and the Information Management Strategy and Policy branch. He has been part of the Ontario public service since 2007.

The health data portfolio oversees data collection, integration and management services to maintain a trusted foundation of high-quality health data. The health analytics portfolio generates trusted and actionable insights that improve the sustainability and quality of the health care system. The digital health and information management portfolios are responsible for setting policy, strategy and investment management directions that help deliver the benefits of digital health to Ontarians and drive responsible use of health data for the public good.

Dr. Hillmer is an assistant professor at the University of Toronto, and his academic background includes graduate degrees from the University of Toronto and a BSc from Carleton University.

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